Vincent Dadam


I'm currently a Senior Research Fellow with the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) Chair in Monetary Economics at the University of Pretoria.

I'm also a Policy Associate with Economic Research Southern Africa (ERSA) where I'm part of a small team running the South African Modelling Network (SAMNet). The SAMNet page on this website will provide you with further information.

My field of research focuses on the modelling of the labour market at a macroeconomic level and the implications it may have for monetary policy conduct. At the moment, I'm focusing on investigating labour market flows between public and private sector jobs in an economy battling with a significant skill gap and an exceptionally high level of unemployment.

Another area I'm currently exploring is the investigation of the potential of Mobile Money as a digital currency in a world dominated by cryptocurrencies. This links with the current debate on Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

selected publications

  1. Investigating unemployment hysteresis in South Africa
    V. Dadam, and N. Viegi
    South African Journal of Economics, 2024
  2. Estimating a New Keynesian Wage Phillips Curve for South Africa
    V. Dadam, and N. Viegi
    Journal of Development Perspectives, 2019
  3. Why South Africa is Cheap for the Rich and Expensive for the Poor - Reconsidering the Balassa-Samuelson Effect
    V. Dadam, M. Hanusch, and N. Viegi
    World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. WPS 8942, 2019