

  1. Investigating unemployment hysteresis in South Africa
    V. Dadam, and N. Viegi
    South African Journal of Economics, 2024


  1. Estimating a New Keynesian Wage Phillips Curve for South Africa
    V. Dadam, and N. Viegi
    Journal of Development Perspectives, 2019
  2. Why South Africa is Cheap for the Rich and Expensive for the Poor - Reconsidering the Balassa-Samuelson Effect
    V. Dadam, M. Hanusch, and N. Viegi
    World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. WPS 8942, 2019


  1. Investment in South Africa - Opening the Economy to Transform the Soceity
    V. Dadam, and N. Viegi
    The Journal of the Helen Suzman Foundation, 2018
  2. Systemic, Sectoral Risk and the Myth of a Corporate Savings Glut
    V. Dadam, and N. Viegi
    Systemic Country Diagnostic Background Note, 2018


  1. Morocco - Implications of Gender Inequality for Growth
    G. Auclair, V. Dadam, L. Kolocih, and 1 more author
    IMF Selected Issues Paper, 2017


  1. Labour Market and Monetary Policy
    V. Dadam, and N. Viegi
    South African Reserve Bank Conference Series, 2014
  2. Oil Price Uncertainty and Manufacturing Production
    G. Aye, V. Dadam, R. Gupta, and 1 more author
    Energy Economics, 2014